About Us
Gold Springs was developed by two close friends who share a passion for Gaming & Casino Industry , Gold Mining and International Business .The company has a focus on three core areas:

Gaming & Casino Industry
Our DNA comes from a strong background in international development of major real estate projects with leading companies and a professional level pedigree in the gaming and casino industry. Our affiliation with the InterAsia Group and its various hotel and resort experience helps position Gold Springs Limited with the effective means to gain access to projects that need gaming.
Our strong experience with leading companies such as MGM, Bellagio, Flamingo, Riviera, Caesars, Cosmopolitan, Wynn, Melco, Sands, Palms affords us a high level of expertise in gaming.
We deliver world class Las Vegas gaming experience and knowledge.

Gold Mining
Our focus on gold mining is to pursue projects utilizing InterAsia Group connectivity. This creates a synergistic effect with our passion for gaming and international business. Through our strong business contacts we are able to create an excitement and adventure in mining for gold and precious gems and making projects come to life.
We look at land and opportunities of how to best use.

International Business
We are a globally focused group with affiliated businesses units across Asia, India and in 85 countries where we possess a global mindset with great connectivity. With an affiliation to the InterAsia Group will allow all business needs to be aligned.
www.interasiaasset.comOur Team
Joshua Dinnerman Co Founder & Managing Partner
Joshua is a international Entrepreneur with business interests in development, capital and trade.
Mr. Dinnerman has developed a media company and also has extensive experience in professional sports.
Mr. Dinnerman has worked and partnered with some of the largest companies in Japan, and set businesses throughout Asia, India and other markets.
Matthew Dexter Co Founder & Managing Partner
Matthew is a Canadian and USA international businessman and a long time casino executive having worked in various positions in Las Vegas since 1998. Currently Mr. Dexter is involved in the day to day gaming operations of the Four Queens Resort & Casino.
Mr. Dexter was educated in the Hotel & Restaurant Management field early on in his career and moved on to the fast and exciting pace of the casino business of Las Vegas in 1998. Mr. Dexter career in Las Vegas has enabled him to work with and learn from the best in the casino business. Mr. Dexter opened up the Palms Casino Resort in 2001. In the 9.5 years of being associated with the Palms Casino Resort, Mr. Dexter held various positions in his goal to learn and be the best.
Mr. Dexter education background is extensive with studies in Canada, Switzerland and Saudi Arabia.
Harry Hellman Director & Partner of Gaming
American Express: As a Financial Advisor I was the first in the company to package financial instruments into a complete financial plan. This included mutual funds, annuities, life insurance, personal pension plans, estate planning tools. The Success Strategy was simplified packaging, reduction in paperwork producing a higher closing percentage, increased asset gathering and increased fees to the company's bottom line.
Everen Securities
Financial Advisor to Portfolio Manager - Development of fee-based portfolios as opposed to transactional business. Value added was the large accumulation of assets, estate planning held assets for generations and stabilizing the company's value.
PaineWebber/Union Bank of Switzerland
Leading High-End Brokerage and Investment Banking Firm.
Acquired and managed client assets. I brought financial planning and analytics which led to increasing portfolio returns for the clients, gathering assets, and increasing the fee base to the company's bottom line. Participated in syndicated IPO's. Created, trained, and led specialized teams in fee-based managed accounts to gather assets. Was successful in bringing in greater revenue to the bottom line of the company.
Mint Del Webb, Silverbird Major Riddle, Flamingo Hilton, Hacienda Argent, Sahara Lowden, Riviera Riklis, Palms Maloof, Bellagio MGM, Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas Black Stone.
Various positions from Dealer to reporting to the Board of Directors
Experienced in opening casinos with the prime objective to provide leadership and strategic management covering marketing and operations of the the organization, towards the realization of the company's mission and vision.
Training, recruitment, and strict compliance with regulations.
Responsibilities and Duties
- Developing a business strategy and implementation of the approved budget.
- Increased Revenue, Profitability, Growth, Value and Enhance Brand Growth and Visibility.
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Copyright © Gold Springs 2021